You might associate the word PIRATES with alot of things like movies, ship wrecks etc.But at Planet IMNU,you only associate the PIRATES with one word and that is "FOOTBALL".
Now if you have not been a part of IMNU you may wonder
"How can one associate pirates with the beautiful game of football unless FIFA in its efforts to promote the game has become really desperate(which Iam sure they are not) that it does not want to leave any segment of segment target and positioning (STP) in marketing."So why is it that PIRATES are synonymous with football at IMNU??
Well,you see when the PIRATES(Section-B,batch 2009-11) arrived at IMNU they were written off by the CZARS and BISONS (the sections of 2008-10 batch)as just yet another football team on the block. The CZARS the reigning champions at IMNU for football did not think the PIRATES stood a chance.
So come COPA 2009,the annual intra-IMNU football championship and CZARS got a taste of their own medicine....PIRATES defeated them in the finals,where no one thought they stood a chance.
Then came Nirma Champions League 2009, the story still the same PIRATES v/s CZARS in the finals. The result also the same....PIRATES VICTORIOUS,NCL FOOTBALL CHAMPS.
By now PIRATES had cemented their position as the
And so...the 4th term arrived. With the CZARS and BISONS having passed out. The stage was set to crown the new COPA CHAMPIONS. TITANS and STALLIONS(SECTION A & C,BATCH 09-11) along with the BOHEMIANS, VIKINGS & SAMURAIS( sections of batch 10-12) thought they had a very good chance of displacing the PIRATES from the pinnacle of Football glory at IMNU. They thought they had very realistic chances as PIRATES had lost two very special and extremely talented players from their squad.
But then as they say "FORM IS TEMPORARY, CLASS IS PERMANENT",PIRATES played their game to their strength and reached the finals of COPA yet again.

The team to beat this year were the TITANS who had a very sharp attack and quality players too.
Now I won't go into the details of the match because the story is the same again....Yes you guessed it correctly,PIRATES emerged victorious yet again.
Come NCL 2011...and that will be the "
nail on the coffin" for all those who think that they can displace the PIRATES....
The writing my friends...