The second day of Pravartan 2011 – The HR-Conclave at the Institute of Management, Nirma University began with the guest speaker Mr. Mahesh Iyer, National Head – Talent acquisition at Financial Inclusion Network and Operations (FINO). He has been ranked among the top 10 panelists at the SFIMAR awards for the most innovative and idealistic HR professional for refocusing on the HR strategies and the OD in the year 2010. He talked about the change in human capital in the organizations, the elements of transformation and tools needed to change the human capital. He highlighted the changing role of human resource manager as a business manager and the challenges faced by them. He stressed on the need to have a modern, effective, credible and value driven Performance Measurement System to gain sustainability in human resource management.
The second session was addressed by Ms. Bahroze Kamdin, Director at Deloitte Haskin & Sells. She stressed that HR is an “Investment in man” which is done through education, training, work experience, migration and health. Ms. Kamdin discussed two path-breaking surveys conducted by Delloitte in the field, exploring the revolutionary and evolutionary trends experienced by the organizations. The trends like cloud-based HR solutions, diversity and inclusion, women in the workforce have emphasized the need of Chief Operating Officer for Human Resources and Chief Information Officer.

Mehul Pandya, Senior Vice-President, CARE Ratings, addressed the third session presenting his views on transformation in an organization and organization culture. In the interactive session, he spoke about the three pillars of organizational transformation viz. initiation, resistance and adoption. He dispelled the myth that introducing change is easy. “"The day all members in an organization think of themselves as leaders, transformation is bound to follow", he said.
Mr. Abhay Joshi, AGM, Human Resource, Tata Motors addressed the valedictory session of the conclave and spoke on the theme- Building a Performance Culture- in a multi-national organization. An organization needs to build its Human Resource pool and continuously nurture talent through commitment and technology. He talked about Talent Acquisition and Management and the need to maintain relationships with the employees.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr.C.Gopalkrishnan, Director, Institute of Management, Nirma University and Prof. Sameer Pingle, Event Chairperson.
(Content Courtesy: Anu Shukla, Chintan Dharmani and Mahima Singhal)