Pragaman’10- the Annual Entrepreneurship Conclave of Institute of Management, Nirma University was inaugurated on 24th November, 2010. This Conclave was organized by students of MBA (Family Business and Entrepreneurship) Programme of the Institute specially designed for young minds with entrepreneurial zeal. The theme for the conclave was ‘Initiators and Inheritors: Perspectives and Priorities’. It focussed on the challenges facing the initiators and inheritors of businesses.
The Chief Guest Mr. Chintan Parikh founder and CEO of the Ashima group and current President of the GCCI addressed the audience highlighting the difference between Managers and Entrepreneurs. The enlightening speech by Mr. Parikh was followed by an eloquent and informative talk by Mr. Sujeet Bhatt, the Technical Director of NexTenders. He shared with the students the learnings from his journey of entrepreneurship and highlighted the issues he faced while setting up his new business venture. He emphasised on the troubles businesses face during inception and provided guidelines to tide over the difficult phase.

Day 1 of Pragaman also saw the inauguration of “Swayam Business Clinic” which is a part of Swayam- the Entrepreneurship Club. Swayam Business Clinic is a platform for students to offer management consultancy services at no cost to business units and targeted specifically toward micro and small businesses. This will not only help the students apply theoretical knowledge to real business situations but also assist them to develop and fine tune their business skills under close supervision of experienced faculty members.
The second day of the Entrepreneurship Conclave 2010 started with a m

otivating talk from Mr. Amitabh Shah, the founder of Yuva unstoppable, India movement. Having given up a career in banking with J.P. Morgan, after pursuing MBA at Yale school of business,to begin Yuva Unstoppable he is proud of his venture. He provided guidance and motivation to students to build sustainable businesses and give back to society.
Mr. Manan Pancholi, Chairman of Webvertx who labels himself as a college dropout and a self made entrepreneur delivered the next session. He addressed the importance of planning and provided framework for effective planning.
A father and son duo, Mr. Anand and Anay Mashruwala of the now 99 year old enterprise, Venus Engineering Works addressed the students with their own experiences from

a long history of managing inherited family business. Mr. Anay Mashruwala an alumnus of the Institute of Management, Nirma University, addressed the challenges of living in a shadow being a successor and the difficulty associated with proving oneself, he also explained the advantage of vision clarity associated with inheriting as knowledge is easily available in such case.